Project period: 2021-2023
Funding: FINNUT, Research Council of Norway
Contact person at Østfoldmuseene: Marianne Løken
Project website: (in English)
About the project
The project is a collaboration between Østfold University College, IT university of Copenhagen, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Agder, University of Copenhagen, University College of Dance Art, University of South-Eastern Norway and Østfoldmuseene.
The overall goal of the project is to develop concepts and principles to explain how cross-sectoral collaborations (CSC) should be organized and implemented to secure transformative mutuality. Further, the goal is to explore and provide empirical evidence on how to organize and implement CSC in teacher education that empowers teacher students as confident, interested and engaged autonomous actors in these projects. This may improve and enhance the student teacher’s pedagogical tool-box and strengthen the research-based foundation for the new teacher education.
The project forms a total of six work packages (WP):
WP1: Project management and coordination
WP2 – WP5: The professional work packages
WP6: Communication, dissemination and exploitation
Østfoldmuseene is involved in WP2, Lab for co-creating cultural heritage by serious gaming, which is led by PhD Joakom Karlsen at ØUC.
Impacts and relevance
The pARTiciPED project will undertake research on cross-sectorial collaborations, being new arenas for creating and sharing knowledge, both supporting and challenging the school’s curriculum.
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Children playing Borgraft (a custommized Minecraft server) at Borgarsyssel Museum Christine Haugsten Ellefsen