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Peer-reviewed articles about other R&D activities at Østfoldmuseene

Architecture, building traditions and building conservation

  • Eriksen, E. J. (2020) The restoration of Torderød manor house in 1939 and 2019. Norsk museumstidsskrift
  • Skadsem, M. (in print) Norwegian and Kven Farms in Sør-Varanger. Wooden Architecture and Building Traditions in the North 1700-1940. Studia Fennica Etnologica. Studia Fennica Etnologica.

Gender and identity

  • Andersson, B. (2022) The fencing lady. A suitcase and a story about querness. Norsk museumstidsskrift 1/2022 , s. 24-41

Manor and higher-estate history

  • Ekman, M. (2022) Museum of a museum. Rød manor house from patrician seat to foundation. Opphøyd og oversett. Norske herregårdsmuseer , s. 276-302
  • Jacobsen, G. (2022) Elingaard manor house and Libertas 1948-1975. Opphøyd og oversett. Norske herregårdsmuseer , s. 322-344

Maritime history and coastal culture

  • Nævdal, D. (2019) Tables of log marks and use of symbols in conjunction with log driving in Smaalenene in the 19th century Tables of log marks and use of symbols in conjunction with log driving in Smaalenene in the 19th century 2019.


  • Ekman, Mattias (2024) "Curiosities in the Far North: Collecting networks in Norway, 1600–1730" i Journal of the History of Collections, advance article, 25. mars , s. 1-17
  • Ellefsen, I. A. (2023) "Bar 1567. An exhibition experiment" in The Method of Things - museums topography of knowledge , s. 238-258
  • Gjendem, C. (2000) The art museum`s exhibition practice. On dissemination debates and presentation methods. Nordisk Museologi. 2000-2 , s. 69-98
  • Gjendem, C. og Holsvik, B. (2023) "Involvement and co-creation with residents in exhibition development" in The Method of Things - museums topography of knowledge , s. 161-174
  • Lindemark, H.-B. (2023) "The dynamic space. Knowledge creation and co-creation in Folkeborg`s new basic exhibition" in The Method of Things - museums topography of knowledge , s. 259-274
  • Lindmark, H.-B. (2019) Olav’s town or the town by the waterfall? Representations of Sarpsfossen and its role in shaping Sarpsborg’s identity over the past century. Heimen 2019.
  • Løken, M. og Skåtun, T. (2023) "Co-design and participation in museums" in The Method of Things - museums topography of knowledge , s. 145-160
  • Treimo, H., Risan, L., Andersen, K. G., Løken, M., Skåtun, T. (red.) (2023) The Method of Things - museums topography of knowledge None : Museumsforlaget

Pedagogy and didactics

  • Nilsen, T., et al. (2021) With a view to science. A critical and constructive view of science in Norwegian schools. , s. 207-260

Science and biodiversity

  • Kemp, J. L., Ballot, A., Nilssen, J.P., Spikkeland, I., Eriksen, T.E. (2020) Distribution, identification and range expansion of the common Asellidae in Northern Europe, featuring the first record of Proasellus meridianus in the Nordic countries. Fauna norvegica Vol. 40 , s. 93-108
  • Spikkeland, I. and Nilssen, JP. (2021) Alien amphipods (Arthopoda; Crustacea) in the Tista Estuary, Halden, southeastern Norway. Fauna norvegica Vol. 41 , s. 34-40
  • Spikkeland I, Kinsten B, Kjellberg G, Nilssen JP, Väinölä R. (2016) The aquatic glacial relict fauna of Norway – an update of distribution and conservation status. Fauna Norvegica. 36 , s. 51-65
  • Sługocki, Ł., Karpowicz, M., Kaczmarczyk-Ziemba, A., Kozłowska, J., Spikkeland, I., & Nilssen, J. P. (2020) Passenger for millenniums: association between stenothermic microcrustacean and suctorian epibiont - the case of Eurytemora lacustris and Tokophyra sp. Scientific reports 10

Worker culture and employment history

  • Halvorsen, J. E. (2021) Action and solidarity in preindustrial Norway - The strike among the plankdrivers at Skedsmo in 1795 and the battle against Christiania Tømmerdirection. Arbeiderhistorie 2021
  • Holsvik, B. (2015) The flexible operator – adaptation, training and flexibility at Peterson 1990 – 2006. yearbook of the labour movement’s archives 2015.
  • Sandstrøm, K (2019) A powerful upheaval and a more radical path forwards. Socialist youth in Østfold’s stone mason districts. Arbeiderhistorie 2019.
Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2